First thing & the main thing is you don't know the seller or manufacturer of paper cup machine . But if you buy a paper cup machine in India, you can visit the factory, you can talk to our marketing head, the production team, technical team etc., You will always feel safe in choosing Indian paper cup machine manufacturers. The key differences are: 1. Chinese machines can produce only 50 - 250 ml cups but BM 10000 paper cup machine can produce 50-330 ml cups. 2. Chinease machines can produce upto 50 cups per minute but Indian machine produce upto 60 cups. 3. Chinese machines consume 5kw power but Indian paper cup machine consumes only 3.5kw 4. As weight of an Indian paper cup machine is 2 tonne, it makes less vibration & noise than Chinease machines 5. Bearings are from unknown Chinese brand, we use SKF & KCI 6. Indian machine make use of SeLec & Siemens PLC's but Chinese machines use feeble components 7. Indian machine use TVS bolt, scres & n...
AR Paper Cup Machine is manufactured with high spec components and domestically available spares, our Paper cup machines are of high value for paper cup making companies and packaging industries.